RedEmprendia | Website with custom made management system, migration and development

RedEmprendia is a universities network promoting innovation and responsible entrepreneurship. It does so from the commitment to economic growth, respecto for the environment and improving life’s quality, in line with its universities, which are between the most important Latin American universities.

The project is based on the Drupal content management system. We chose it because of its versatility and adaptability, allowing to customize the entire site administration depending on the kind os user connected to.

The first phase of the project involved migrating the old content management system, a based on EZ Publish one. Through various PHP and SQL scripts, information was migrated without data loss, replicating the structure of relational data from the old system. The website has a large volume of information, given the large number of events in which they participate and organize, with the management teams of website various thematic areas. Each user profile has access through a panel only to the sections that correspond to them through a fully customized roles and permissions system. The website has a directory network identities integration system, delegating access control to an LDAP directory.

“Thematic microsites” are customized with specific templates, using are customized using ThemeKey, to provide the website sufficient versatility in viewing content. Website’s backend count on different modules integration, complemented with code and custom made modules, especially for managing user permissions and privileges. Managing event registrations are also made from the website, with the integration of custom content types, Views, Rules and specific modules to control events workflow. Panel is used for content management and its graphic layout in the various sections, combined with based on Bootstrap and WYSIWYG templates, provides a catalog of versatile tools to web publishers for contents editing without resorting to editing HTML and CSS code.